Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Arches National Park

Arches Nation Park in Utah has to be one of the most beautiful and unusual places in the world. More arches exist here (over 200) than in any other place in the world.

The pictures do not need explanation. Just enjoy them. Don't forget to click on the picture to enlarge it.

Click to enlarge the picture below to see the man standing high on the rock to the left. He has on a white shirt.
The slogan on the back of his shirt should read..."look how stupid I am".

I'm trying to climb up into the arch in the picture below. Whew, tough climb.
I didn't get very far.

No, that is NOT Barbara and me on the top of the ridge.

Finally, Larry gets a picture of him and the Delicate Arch.

There is NO level ground in this view, and in some places its very steep; and its a long way down.

We finally made it to the Delicate Arch. Quite a long hike.

On the trail down, we meet others coming up, all asking "how much farther to the arch.." The trail is marked by the stacked rocks.

Enlarge the picture below to see the people going up to the Delicate Arch. The Arch is just over the horizon on the right side. Its a LONG walk all UPHILL.

Delicate Arch from another angle.

Delicate Arch from a long way away.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Crossing Wyoming

Driving through Wyoming is like driving past one post-card after another. Beautiful scenery that was always changing. Most of the snows were gone, but the temperatures were still cold. Snow fences were still up and made interesting lines accross the horizon.

Enjoy the ride across Wyoming. don't forget to click on the picture to enlarge it.

Enlarge the picture to the left to see the prong-horn antelope on top of the snow pack.